Sunday, April 4, 2021

The Outsiders Questions Answers

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  • [DOWNLOAD] The Outsiders Questions Answers | updated!

    Johnny is in a horrible condition because when they got to the hospital … His hair was almost white it was so blond, and he didn't like haircuts, or hair oil either, so it fell over his forehead in wisps and kicked out in the back in tufts...
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    It had a blood stain on it, and there were more stains across the grass; they then saw Johnny, "a dark motionless hump on the other side of the lot. Soon Dally comes back with Cokes, but Cherry throws hers in his face. Our online the outsiders...
  • The Outsiders Questions And Answers (Q&A)

    Ponyboy, Steve, and Soda were walking back from the gas station past the "wide, open field where we play football and hang out," when Steve noticed Johnny's jacket. When the Socs attack him and Ponyboy, he kills Bob to stop them from drowning Ponyboy. Who are the Greasers? Bribe the cashier. When Ponyboy gets caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, he has to figure out what the right thing to do is. The Outsiders is a novel of conflicts—greaser against Soc, rich against poor, the desire for violence against the desire for reconciliation. Why does Ponyboy get jumped? The Outsiders Comprehension Questions. Dally "smiled dangerously," and gears up to harass her some more, but Johnny reaches out and stops him. What are some differences between the Socs and the Greasers? Who are the socs? This characterization is demonstrated as he describes his homework - which includes reading Great Expectations. Why do you think she had a … The Outsiders 5 Comprehension and Discussion Questions Chapter 1 Answer the following questions in complete sentence form.
  • The Ridiculously Hard The Outsiders (by S. E. Hinton) Quiz

    Perfect prep for The Outsiders quizzes and tests you might have in school. Explain what Pony means when he says Soda "reminds me of a colt" on p. He had big black eyes in a dark tanned face; his hair was jet-black and heavily greased and combed to the side, but it was so long that it fell in shaggy bangs across his forehead. Two-bit starts to flirt with Marcia, and updates them on Dally's whereabouts: Timothy Shepard, the leader of the other major Greaser gang, is looking for Dally because Dally slashed his car's tires. The Outsiders Questions And Answers. Circle the correct writing narrative that the novel follows, and the reason for your choice.
  • Back To School: Support Student Wellbeing

    What condition is Johnny in after the fire? Why does this event reflect society today? The Outsiders Study Questions. I lie to myself all the time. How do Ponyboy's relationships with Darry and Sodapop differ? They get there early, and have time to shoplift cigarettes from the drugstore. Meanwhile, Soda is giving Darry a back massage for a pulled muscle from his job roofing. Two-bit explains that that's what happens when you get caught: "Our one rule, besides Stick together, is Don't get caught.
  • The Outsiders Questions

    Hinton uses the technique of anecdote to reveal to the reader the story of Johnny's attack. Comprehension Questions — The Outsiders. Foreshadowing is also used in the last sentence of the chapter, in which Ponyboy thinks about the Socs and says, "Man, I thought, if I had worries like that I'd consider myself lucky. Hinton is a book famous for its coming of age exploration of right and wrong. Hinton This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials. The intent of the genealogy is to emphasize the Abrahamic and Davidic ancestry of Jesus, establishing his credentials to be the royal Messiah of Israel. Compare and contrast the Socs and the greasers.
  • The Outsiders Chapter 6 Questions And Answers Quizlet

    Engage your students with Australian and international content ClickView content is produced right here in Australia. Catch-up TV from 18 free-to-air channels. Browse our collection of over 43, educational TV programmes. Interactive content creates active learning experiences Add annotations, short answer questions and multiple choice responses to ensure deeper understanding. ClickView provides detailed reports and measurable results, everything an educator needs. Interactive videos enable students to engage deeply both in and out of the classroom. Giving staff the teaching resources they need.
  • Outsiders, The Trivia Questions & Answers : Movies L-P

    Easy to create video-based assignments. Content can be accessed through your existing library systems. Over , educators use ClickView Hear from other schools and institutions on how ClickView is revolutionising learning. We feel really supported by ClickView through regular dialogue about our needs and what we want to achieve. A student may not connect with the teacher in the classroom but they get a second opportunity when they are able to watch a ClickView video based on that concept. Joachim Cohen, Teacher Librarian J. Cahill Memorial High School ClickView gives us access to several thousand videos through the ClickView Exchange, allowing teachers to access videos easily away from school. This gives the teacher the advantage of being able to plan lessons from home. Kate Jones, Senior Library Technician Lake Tuggeranong College ClickView provides an authentic viewing experience similar to what our students use in their everyday lives, especially via the app on their phone. ClickView provides our staff with greater opportunities in developing deeper understanding rather than spending important lesson time simply consuming videos, the interactive capabilities promote greater student engagement.
  • The Outsiders Chapters Questions And Answers

    Answer: Pony came home late. Ponyboy didn't get home until 2 am because he went to the park with Johnny and they both fell asleep. Not knowing where Pony was, Darry and Sodapop stayed up to wait for him, which made Darry mad. From Quiz: The Outsiders click to play it. Question by author tiffanyxo. What is the name of the restaurant? Answer: Bowen Lounge This is the opening scene, where they show Dally lighting his cigarette, waiting for Johnny and Ponyboy.
  • Trivia About The Outsiders

    Question by author CrueFreak Question by author diamondjim Question by author Teej Question by author Sodasgal. Answer: Gave the Soc actors fancy copies of the script and nice hotel rooms, ect. Question by author 80sMovieFan. Answer: Sandy The movie did not show Sandy, but she was mentioned. One night, Ponyboy asked Sodapop if he was going to marry Sandy, and Soda said that he loved her. How much does the hamburger deluxe cost and what is it served with? Answer: 75 cents, cole slaw The advertisement is placed on the window of the restaurant. You can see this when Dally, Johnny, and Ponyboy decide what they are going to do. Answer: She threw it in his face She wouldn't drink anything from him if she were "starving in the desert".
  • The Outsiders: Discussion Questions

    Answer: "Hey baby, you wanna see what's hangin'? From Quiz: The Ultimate 'Outsiders' click to play it. Answer: Michael Michael. Ponyboy Michael Curtis. At least he had a normal middle name! Answer: Dallas Johhny seemed to look up to Dallas. They ran to Dallas and he gave them some bad advice by telling them to run away and hide. Johnny only stabbed Bob to save his friend when Bob was trying to drown Ponyboy in a fountain. Answer: He didn't look the type. In the movie it hints at the idea that Cherry and Dally have a thing for each other, but nothing ever truly happens. Answer: Bob and Randy After the drive-in movie is over, Ponyboy and the boys walk Cherry and Marcia home, but get interrupted by their boyfriends, Bob and Randy. Hinton novels? Hinton's 'Tex' and went on to star in the adaptation of 'Rumble Fish'. So he starred in all three of them.
  • The Outsiders........Questions?

    When it was talking about the soldiers being gallant, Johnny said that Dallas was gallant. Ponyboy said that Dally scared him and that Sodapop was the gallant one. Answer: Converse, white Later in the movie they are all seen wearing black converse shoes, when they are about to fight in the rumble with the Socs. Answer: He was the gang's pet If it were anyone but Johnny, they would've felt Dally's wrath. Before he gets into the car to leave, what does Steve do with the cake? Answer: Throws it aside As Steve is walking to the truck, he takes the cake and throws it aside. Fun Trivia: Games, Trivia, and Community!
  • Meet Your Mayor: Find The Candidates Who Say They’ll Build The Future NYC You Want

    Summary template. How does Ponyboy react to what Sodapop tells him about Darry? Hinton's novel The Outsiders. Dally agrees that it is. Consider the following quote on p. The Outsiders Chapter 7 Discussion Questions Discuss these questions with a group of two to four people. This Hinton's novel The Outsiders. Each group only has to turn in one paper. There download also contains an original PDF version of the quiz as well.
  • The Outsiders

    Acces PDF Outsiders Comprehension Answer Key Chapter 7 Outsiders Comprehension Answer Key Chapter 7 If you ally need such a referred outsiders comprehension answer key chapter 7 book that will allow you worth, acquire the utterly best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. The Outsiders Chapter 7 Discussion Questions. But not on much else besides trouble with the Socs, a vicious gang of rich kids whose idea of a good time is beating […] Question 1.
  • 5 Essential Questions For Marketers Today

    One day the horse was sold and Soda had cried all night. The Outsiders by S. Write the answers on a piece of notebook paper. Who are the Greasers? What do you know about Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry? Questions are matching and questions are multiple-choice. The answer key is included. Who are the Socs? Soda had never wanted anything but that horse, and now he was gone…. Ponyboy discovers through the paper that--answer choices There download also contains an original PDF version of the quiz as well.
  • The Outsiders Essay Questions And Answers

    Wiki User Answered These are only a few questions we got asked in class about the outsiders book - we haven't got through it all yet :p Outsiders Question for Chapter 1 - What do you think Ponyboy means when he says, "I lie to myself all the time"? Outsiders Chapter 2 Question: What do you think is meant by the following quote; "You wanna know something" She looked me straight in the eye. Outsiders Chapter 3 Question: Reread the last line of chapter three. How does the author's use of foreshadowing at the end of the chapter affect you as a reader? Use text evidence and your own ideas to support your answer. Why are the events in chapter 4 ironic? What do you think the poem is saying? How might this apply to the characters in the novel? Outsiders Chapter 6 - Using your image of what a hero is to you, do the three boys prove themselves to be heros, according to your definition?
  • The Outsiders Questions Answers

    Outsiders Chapter 7 - Compare the upbringing between Bob and Johnny. How did their upbringing motivate their actions? Outsiders Chapter 8 - How does the author portray different ideas of family in the story? Outsiders Chapter 9 - How do you think Johnny's last words might influence Ponyboy in the future?
  • Flipkart Daily Trivia Quiz Answers March 27, 2021: Answer And Win Exciting Rewards

    What are some differences between the Socs and the Greasers? Sample answer: The Socs look nice, but they're mean on the inside, while the Greasers look bad, but are nicer on the inside. The Socs have money, but the Greasers don't. Describe Ponyboy, Darry, and Soda. Sample answer: Ponyboy was smart and wanted to be tough. Darry was hard and tough, but he cared for his brothers. Soda was more playful, but turned out to have a heart. How did Ponyboy change throughout the story? Sample answer: He started out tough, but he learned to realize that the life he was living was not worth it. He became wiser and more caring. Why were sunsets mentioned so much in the novel? Sample answer: Sunsets were new everyday, which is how Johnny told Ponyboy to try to live at the end of the novel.
  • The Outsiders Questions And Answers

    Everyone saw the same sunset, no matter how much money they had or if they lived on the right side of town. Do you think the boys were punished fairly in the novel? Sample answer: Yes, I think they were punished fairly. They had a lot of bad things happen to them, so they kind of brought the punishment on themselves. They did not need to add jail time to it. Why was the novel written? Sample answer: At the end of the novel, Ponyboy says he has to write a theme for English class. He decides to write something to warn other kids about the bad things that can happen and encourage them to find something better. You need to be a HelpTeaching.
  • The Outsiders Trivia And Quizzes

    Wednesday, May 23, Chapter 3 Questions Vocabulary - Find the meaning for the following words in this chapter and write one paragraph that uses all 4 words correctly: aloof-keeping distance from people because of shyness impersonally-without connetion to a specific person ornery- unpleasant or stubborn resignedly-giving into something One day there is a new boy at school and he is being aloof to his new classmates. Another new student was resignedly to some of the students behaviours. The students who got in trouble were being very ornery with the principal about their punishments. The new boy was impersonally to this situation. What does Cherry explain as the difference between the socs and the greasers?
  • Outsiders, The Trivia Questions & Answers | Movies L-P

    Cherry says that the difference between the socs and the greasers are their values and partly money. Greasers are more emotional and the socs are more sophisticated and nothing is real to them. What does Ponyboy mean on p. Have you ever had a relationship with someone who you understood, or who understood you, without having to say anything? Ponyboy means that him and Johnny are both quiet so they don't have to talk about anything they just know what they are thinking. Yes, I have had a relationship with someone and understanding them without saying anything, because we just know what they are thinking because we know eachother so well. When and how did Pony's parents die? Ponyboy's parents died in a car accident 8 months prior to the present time he is talking about.
  • The Outsiders Questions? - Answers

    What happens when Pony comes home after his curfew? When Pony copmes home after his curfew Darry and Sodapop are awake at home and Ponyboy walked in the door. When Darry saw him he hit Ponyboy then Pony just turned around and left very upset. Then Darry opened the door and calle Pony back but he didn't come back. Why does Johnny like it better when his father is hitting him? Johnny likes it better when his father hits him because he knows his father knows who he is. At the end of the chapter, how does the author foreshadow that bad things are to come? The author foreshadowed that bad things are going to happen because at the end of the chapter Pony boy is thinking that things can't get anyworse, but he was wrong.
  • The Outsiders Discussion Questions Answer Key

    Answer: Pony came home late. Ponyboy didn't get home until 2 am because he went to the park with Johnny and they both fell asleep. Not knowing where Pony was, Darry and Sodapop stayed up to wait for him, which made Darry mad. From Quiz: The Outsiders click to play it. Question by author tiffanyxo. What is the name of the restaurant? Answer: Bowen Lounge This is the opening scene, where they show Dally lighting his cigarette, waiting for Johnny and Ponyboy.
  • The OutsidersQuestions? | Yahoo Answers

    Question by author CrueFreak Question by author diamondjim Question by author Teej Question by author Sodasgal. Answer: Gave the Soc actors fancy copies of the script and nice hotel rooms, ect. Question by author 80sMovieFan. Answer: Sandy The movie did not show Sandy, but she was mentioned. One night, Ponyboy asked Sodapop if he was going to marry Sandy, and Soda said that he loved her. How much does the hamburger deluxe cost and what is it served with?
  • Flipkart Daily Trivia Quiz Answers March 27, Answer And Win Exciting Rewards

    Answer: 75 cents, cole slaw The advertisement is placed on the window of the restaurant. You can see this when Dally, Johnny, and Ponyboy decide what they are going to do. Answer: She threw it in his face She wouldn't drink anything from him if she were "starving in the desert". Answer: "Hey baby, you wanna see what's hangin'? From Quiz: The Ultimate 'Outsiders' click to play it. Answer: Michael Michael. Ponyboy Michael Curtis. At least he had a normal middle name! Answer: Dallas Johhny seemed to look up to Dallas. They ran to Dallas and he gave them some bad advice by telling them to run away and hide. Johnny only stabbed Bob to save his friend when Bob was trying to drown Ponyboy in a fountain.
  • The Outsiders Questions And Answers | Q & A | GradeSaver

    Answer: He didn't look the type. In the movie it hints at the idea that Cherry and Dally have a thing for each other, but nothing ever truly happens. Answer: Bob and Randy After the drive-in movie is over, Ponyboy and the boys walk Cherry and Marcia home, but get interrupted by their boyfriends, Bob and Randy. Hinton novels? Hinton's 'Tex' and went on to star in the adaptation of 'Rumble Fish'.
  • 61 The Outsiders Quizzes Online, Trivia, Questions & Answers - ProProfs Quizzes

    So he starred in all three of them. When it was talking about the soldiers being gallant, Johnny said that Dallas was gallant. Ponyboy said that Dally scared him and that Sodapop was the gallant one. Answer: Converse, white Later in the movie they are all seen wearing black converse shoes, when they are about to fight in the rumble with the Socs. Answer: He was the gang's pet If it were anyone but Johnny, they would've felt Dally's wrath. Before he gets into the car to leave, what does Steve do with the cake? Answer: Throws it aside As Steve is walking to the truck, he takes the cake and throws it aside.

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